national observance

Hey Social Media Managers, Memorial Day is for Appreciation and Gratitude

A Little reminder for your business this Memorial Day . . . don’t make that big faux pas, the mistake of many … don’t wish a “happy memorial day.”

Have you ever heard that you Don’t Wish a “Happy Memorial Day?“ It is a big Faux Pas that many marketers make, and clearly not intentionally.

We have a job to do, capture the audience attention, and ask them to fill their time this 3-day weekend enjoying, buying, eating or any other way you want to encourage customers to engage with your brand. With this National Observance let’s remember how to use it in the way it should be observed. With somber and warm messages, in an authentic way.

The clue is in the words of the National Observance: “MEMORIAL.” Memorial Day is a national holiday that reserved time to appreciate and show gratitude for those who served and died in our armed forces.

Hey Social Media Managers, Memorial Day is for Appreciation and Gratitude

Business owners and social media managers, this memorial day don’t make that big faux pas, the mistake of many … don’t wish a “happy memorial day.”

Instead use this National Observance to post about both the tradition of having fun, barbecues and yes, sales. But also let’s remember to incorporate the respect, honor and somber remembrance of this occasion. It’s a good time to recognize families of those who serve, your staff and their family members who served, and not overdoing the celebratory theme.

Learn more about the observance of Memorial Day here. And remember, social media managers, Memorial Day is for appreciation and gratitude.

Need some inspiration, make your own post. We feel inspired by the kids we’re surrounded by, so hugs became this years theme. But other Americans more famous then our writers also can lend a hand.


Hey Social Media Managers, Memorial Day is for Appreciation and Gratitude

Remember those who served, by hugging those we LOVE
— Joanne Klee on Honoring Memorial Day at Home

4 Famous Quotes for Memorial Day Social Media messages:

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” - John F. Kennedy

“Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” - Adali Stevenson

“Hero’s never die. They live on forever in the hearts and minds of those who would follow in their footsteps.” - Emily Potter

"Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory there would be no civilization, no future." - Elie Wiesel

For more inspirational quotes to use in your memorial Day social posts, see Women’s Day for some inspirational stories, memorial day quotes and what All Social Media Managers love —-> get ideas.

A Little Bit More Insight . . .


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International Women's Day starts with The Girls

International Women's Day starts with The Girls

This International Women's Day celebrate the women in your life, at work and at home. We can all honor women past and present and recognize their achievements. Say thanks to the women in your life.

Let's ALL Pledge // Empower Women and Girls to reach their full potential.

Since 1911, International Women’s Day belongs to us collectively. The national observance and awareness campaigns helps us create knowledge through #hashtag and social sharing the mission. But let’s go beyond awareness and take the steps that every business owner can make happen.