We are thrilled to share the news!
Joanne Klee will be the Motivational Marketing Speaker at the SoloCEO Summit on April 4 at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Joanne Klee Speaker at the SoloCEO Summit 2019
Are You Marketing like a Baller?
The SoloCEO Summit will center around getting the most out of your entrepreneur business and life. A community of accomplished entrepreneurs will share their insights on how to navigate through the SoloCEO journey.
As the marketing speaker, Joanne will encourage those present to Be the Brand and STAND OUT in a competitive market. She shares unique examples of ‘what not to do’ and how to drive results. Business owners are looking to “Market Like A Baller” and learn how big corporations run their marketing. Joanne helps attendees walk away with marketing they can start to use right away.
Along with Joanne Klee, the SoloCEO Summit 2019 features a wide variety of dynamic presenters and speakers. With sessions focused on experience, not theories, and actionable outcomes baked into the design, this conference will energize and educate aspiring and established Solo CEOs, alike.
Opening Session:
Market like a BALLER?
Marketing Campaigns - What not to Do - Start Marketing Your Business Ep 1 | Joanne Klee Marketing
Youtube Channel
“Many of the same tools and techniques used by big corporations are available to you. This session with Joanne Klee is for specialized practitioners who recognize that “knowing your stuff” is not necessarily enough to make the sale. Learn to create the best marketing strategy for the product or service you provide. Gain practical tips to build your company’s brand and convey your message to the world. Go home ready to put your inner Baller in the spotlight.”
Want to Attend the Summit? Get the Discount Code here. (Sorry, :-( the summit has passed - but you can watch the marketing presentation here.
About Joanne Kleé Marketing Speaker
Joanne Kleé is a marketing Guru with a creative, AWARD WINNING 20 year professional career. Joanne’s entrepreneurial vision led to Joanne Klee Marketing, a Chicago Based Marketing Agency, since 2005.
Joanne has led marketing departments at high-growth financial institutions. Her experience spans from exciting million-dollar retail advertising campaigns to low-cost grassroots initiatives. As a corporate project leader, she maintained a financial profit and loss (P&L statement) + developed return on Marketing investment (roMi) protocol. All her marketing initiatives need to make solid business sense and align with business goals.
Joanne Klee Speaker at the SoloCEO Summit 2019
Joanne Klee Speaker at the SoloCEO Summit 2019 see the SEO Press Release.
Watch the promotional video SoloCEO Summit 2019 here.
Be the Brand and STAND OUT in a Competitive Market
Joanne Klée is the owner of Joanne Klee Marketing, making marketing accessible to business owners. Your audience members will learn to Be the Brand and STAND OUT in a competitive market. Having built a reputation for professional marketing solutions, Joanne helps decision makers combine their brand and online presence to drive revenue. (And she uniquely sprinkles in examples of ‘what not to do’). Did you miss the conference? Download our white paper - Solo CEO Tips from the summit.
If you are looking to re-invigorate your marketing or trying to make sense of it all, then Joanne has the practical marketing strategies you can walk away with today!
Joanne is an award-winning thought leader who is creative at her core. Joanne has held senior marketing positions at financial institutions and partnered with businesses across small and middle market industries. Owner of Joanne Klee Marketing where she has been making marketing and events “Mission Possible” for business owners since 2005.
Will you be in Chicago April 4, then you can join us at the SoloCEO Summit.
Save 10% use code: KLEE10
Click here to Register (Sorry, :-( the summit has passed.)
#missionPossible #soloCeoSummit #solopreneur #entrepreneur #ladyboss
See you there!
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