In the age of immediate response through Social Media, the mega burger brands did not delay in responding to IHOB trying to infiltrate their market.
From Great Pancakes to Great Burgers? The IHOB journey and what other brands have to say
If you haven't heard about IHOP's summer rebranding campaign, you can learn more here. Many marketers are watching closely to see if this initiative is brand suicide or brand genius. But there's some who aren’t waiting to find out.
Are Pancakes That Hard to Make?
Some would say that America's love of pancakes comes from their easy morning flavor, light and fluffy and of course easy to make. Or are they? Wendy's chimed into the IHOB switch when one of their fans asked "so Wendy's u just gonna let IHOB sell burgers on your block? thought you were the OG? From Great Pancakes to Great Burgers? The IHOB journey and what other brands have to say . . .
And the Original Gangster (OG) Wendy’s replied:
“Not really afraid of burgers from a place that decided pancakes were too hard.”
Want to hear our Pancake Song? It’s for kids!
Joanne Klee, of this very agency, wrote a pancakes song. It’s not on youtube! Give a listen to the audio here.
Want to be in a Kids video? The Pancake Song IS HERE, and You can be in the YOUTUBE Video. Join Us
And the Big Brands Replies don't stop here.
Have It Your Way from Burger King
The same day that the IHOB campaign was announced, including press releases and the radio talk shows frenzy that ensued, the owner of having burgers "your way" had a cute reply. From Burger King to the Pancake King . . .
You can still have it "your way." See the Burger Pancake profile photo update here.
IHOB hasn't posted any official results or reaction from customers on their new undertaking of the burger market. And we haven't heard more on the menu plans either. Hopefully more entertainment on the pancake, err burger giant will follow soon.
In the meantime we will continue to watch the rebrand unfold. No decisions yet if this is Brand Suicide? Brand Genius or Stupidity? IHOP is asking consumers to temporarily suspend their belief in the pancake specialty as a burger best!
More to come . . .
A Little Bit More . . .
READ MORE . . . About how we help entrepreneurs develop their own business identity and brand.
Recently the American Marketing Association (AMA) posted a fun article about the characteristics of such brands becoming iconic. READ the AMA article here to learn about making a brand, any brand, iconic >>>.
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