Realtor Marketing Made Easy: A No Cost, Time Only Investment. A How To Guide

Chicago area Realtors are looking for business marketing strategies from our firm to get buyers and sellers at no cost. And YES, we have a New! Marketing Secret for you.

Standard no cost marketing tactics take sweat equity and a significant time investment targeting small areas. Working with an experienced marketer allows you to gain access to reasonable low cost options to grow your client lists, and increase referrals. 

There are a variety of methods to try. And many of these free realtor marketing methods work, and they work well. But the time commitment is what we drown in. Free takes save us our pocket change but can be grueling to manage. 

Article Reading Time | 5 minutes



I am certain you have heard of these Marketing Tactics and methods:

  • Driving for dollars/walking the neighborhood for FSBOs and For Rents.

  • Turn you car into a mobile billboard with a car magnet.

  • Networking and Business card exchanges at local associations like REIA, and chambers of commerce.

  • Advertise on Craigslist and other online classified sites.

  • Flyers (eek!) passing out flyers all over town and leave behind at local businesses.

  • Sending out postcards to your sphere.

  • Email campaigns to your current clients and your sphere (there is a lot of value in this, but still not targeted enough).

  • Get Google voice and it transcribes the messages for you.

  • Get your own website and use godaddy for domain and hosting needs.



If you haven't identified your Objectives, picking the tactic that works best for you is a difficult choice. Usually realtors end up selecting what they can afford. The listed tactics work for a trickle in of the occasional lead.

Since most realtors aren't trained Marketers we can't expect you to develop a strategy in tune with your goals (we can help with that tho), so we are sharing the Go To Tactic that works for nearly EVERY BUSINESS OBJECTIVE! Targeted Advertising on your budget! 


You can continually Get in Front of Interested Buyers and Sellers:

  • Get in front of buyers and sellers Near your open house TODAY! Including advanced promoting your Open House.

  • Get in front of buyers and sellers Near your event TODAY!

  • Get in front of buyers and sellers In YOUR market!

Low Cost Marketing with Access to THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL Clients near you. The Answer is Probably in Your Mobile Phone as an App Right Now.


Do you have a Facebook Business Page?

Get to Step 4 before ignoring this question. 

You do realize that nearly everyone in your target audience will be on Facebook. If you aren't using it, then here is why you should reconsider. Since much of real estate is word of mouth and drive around traffic, Facebook accomplished both those objectives. If 50% of U.S. adults were online, and your could TARGET the adults in YOUR market with YOUR message, Would You Be Interested? 


Let's take this to the next level . . .

what if we could get interested Buyers and Sellers to CALL YOU DIRECTLY. Yes, we can do that. See Step 5!

Insights... Read our blog post on Getting Customers to Call You Directly through the Highest Traffic Website a.k.a. Facebook Business Pages.


As of May 2016 the Facebook network has 191.3 million Facebook users in the US, representing approximately 58% of the entire US adult population.



STEP 1: Set One up Immediately. Fill in all the sections. Completely. If you are having difficulty we do this for clients all the time. Get your fully optimized Facebook Page today!

STEP 2: After that write 1 post a week. Open House, write a post. Selling a home, write a post with photo. Did you just share some real estate education with a client, post it also. Nearly 80% of your posts should be education based. Only 20% in sales approaches. 

STEP 3: Invite your friends and those in your email lists to like the page and follow you. We even have the secret way to gain Page Followers and Likes without paying to promote your page.

STEP 4: For the next open house or event, write a post and the BOOST THE POST to "People Near The Location" of the Event. Drive traffic to the open house, 1st time home buyer seminar, etc. by promoting in YOUR Market, within X miles of your location.

STEP 5: Want interested Buyers and Sellers to Call You Directly through Facebook. We wrote a post about that see the details here. 

Contact Joanne Klee Marketing for your Real Estate Marketing needs.

A Chicago Business Marketing Firm | SINCE 2005



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Let's get started today and Create your Marketing Plan. Contact us today!

Good Luck! Joanne, owner @ Joanne Klee Marketing


Joanne Klee

We make marketing easy.