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YouTube Kids App Eligibility Requirements and a Little Bit More about Community Guidelines

YouTube Kids App is curating family friendly video content that is safe and accessible for kids. All marketers know that one of the big multi-million dollar audiences = is kids. For those youtube video content publishers who create kid friendly videos, we are putting a series of posts together about the best practices for YouTube Kids.

Let’s help you monetize on youtube.

YouTube Kids app was created to give kids access to safe age appropriate content and videos where they can explore ideas, entertainment and learning with parental controls.

We provide youtube channel services to the every day youtuber (that’s you!)

The same way YouTube will tailor search results and suggestions to the viewer is now accessible for a younger audience. This also means marketers can target this profitable audience through YouTube Kids app.

Why do we keep pushing video to youtube in your marketing strategy? Because YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google!

YouTube also takes child online content safety seriously, and their series of guidelines is designed to keep YouTube Kids a safe place for their viewers.

We cannot guarantee a channel will be added to YouTube Kids. We can only make the optimization suggestions to give you a higher chance of appearing on the YouTube Kids app.

YouTube Kids Video Eligibility Requirements and a Little Bit More about Community Guidelines


A world of learning and fun, made just for kids
We created YouTube Kids to make it safer and simpler for kids to explore the world through online video – from their favorite shows and music to learning how to build a model volcano. There’s also a whole suite of parental controls, so you can tailor the experience to your family’s needs.

A safer online experience for kids
We use a mix of filters, user feedback and human reviewers to keep the videos in YouTube Kids family friendly. But no system is perfect and inappropriate videos can slip through, so we’re constantly working to improve our safeguards and offer more features to help parents create the right experience for their families.

Don’t have Time to Read the Blog?

Watch on Youtube Instead!

Watch the video series instead. Here we explain in a series of short videos everything you want to know about youtube kids.


You can have your video content on YouTube Kids, and while signing up is not an option, there are ways to get your content on the app and How To Submit Videos to YouTube Kids Sort Of is here. It’s important to know that while your standard for family friendly content may differ form other viewers. That’s where user feedback and the community guidelines play a significant role to the app content.

Your video content is eligible for YouTube Kids and we walk thru how to do that in this article, so let’s jump into this post: YouTube Kids Eligibility Requirements and a Little Bit More about Community Guidelines. Our article referenced how you can get your video on YouTube Kids with BEST OF TIPS for Video Search Optimization

The YouTube Creators Academy has a full list of Family-Friendly Content guidelines that are published here or use these shortcuts below. While our BEST OF TIPS Article pull the top how to ways for video search optimization, these categories are the other marketing tactics you will need to think thru when developing kid friendly content.

YouTube Community Guidelines Help Keep YouTube Kids Content Safe

In addition to creating family friendly content, your channel also needs to monitor the YouTube community guidelines to keep following policy and not get reported for any violations. More links to the most recent policies are below - be familiar with these.

YouTube Community Guidelines 

  1. Create videos that foster positive interests, promote development and education, and inspire families to engage with each other and the real world. 

  2. Follow and Learn more about YouTube Community Guidelines to keep YouTube fun and enjoyable including the “common sense” rules.

    • no nudity or sexual content, no harmful or dangerous content, no hateful content, no violent or graphic content, no sexual harassment or cyber bullying, no Spam, misleading metadata, and scams, no Threats including no predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people's personal information.

    • Legal guidelines: including the standard to follow Copyright laws, privacy, no impersonation, illegal duplication. 

    • Follow all child safety policies you can review and learn more about here for youtube child safety policies on YouTube and any additional policies they add.

  3. Follow and Learn more about youtube efforts to protect families on YouTube 

  4. Remember - the youtube community of users can report inappropriate content, so follow guidelines wisely. These are the days of community internet police. So Learn how the youtube community can report inappropriate videos here.

Want more tips about Creating Content* for Youtube Kids? 

Remember these basic tips when creating your content: 

  • TIP #1: Be Creative! Your perspective is so unique. And different then the other video publisher. So be creative, develop videos about what you love to do, and publish often. (That’s why we write tips on this insights blog - because our spin is different from the other marketing firms) The tips in this lesson are based on creative best practices. 

  • TIP #2: Be Authentic! Just like Tip #1, Create content for kids that is real, genuine, and not copied! Add your own twist and style - get inspired by trends and make them your own.

  • TIP #3: Hook the Viewer. This one is sometimes difficult to imagine, and can happen by chance. Viral is possible following great content and your audience search terms … So if you are are you writing a video script? Then hook the viewer with an attention getting idea, sound, or visual that will keep them watching until the end. Review you analytics on how long you video is viewed - so see when viewers lose their attention span too. 

  • TIP #4: Get FOUND online. Once you have created your content, remember you need to TITLE and DESCRIBE your video in a way that audiences can find it. That means review tips about HOW KIDS USE SEARCH and MAKE YOUR VIDEOS EASIER TO FIND. These two sections break down the search process and getting found online.

* REMEMBER: THERE ARE NO GUARANTEEs. So a little disclosure - again. We opened with this and will close with this: there are no guarantees that you can get your content on YouTube kids. Following our You tube Kids video content publishing tips here in this article, or even following the youtube guide DOES NOT GUARANTEE your specific content will appear in YouTube Kids.


  1. Get great youtube channel marketing services

  2. There is the explainer post about How to submit to YouTubeKids with Great Content.

  3. We have a quick article from youtube to the entire list of youtube kids programming guidelines, and how to “Get Your Video on YouTube Kids with BEST OF TIPS for video search optimization.“

  4. A little bit more about “video eligibility for YouTube Kids” is here.

  5. Also, a bonus post about How youtube Monetization Guidelines have changed. (Its why many people are on youtube, right? TO make some moolah.

A Little Bit More Insights . . .


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