See Our Featured Work: Portfolio Details // Marketing

See Our Featured Work: Portfolio Details // Marketing

We Love our Clients. Unique Brands, Great Services and an interest in excellent Marketing. We cant help but showcase some of the work. While we cant give away the secret sauce and exactly why certain strategies were chosen, we like showing off how great some of the details look. 

Top 3 Tips For A Successful Event, from CHICAGO

Top 3 Tips For A Successful Event, from CHICAGO

I want you to be successful in event management. And there are some secrets that I am happy to share with you so you will have a successful event. 

I have been a marketing guru for over 17 years, and now we can do it for you. We’re a Chicago marketing firm, with the best business event management services. Your event can have the best food and the most beautiful location. But if you don’t have these 3 event management tips, then you just can get to true event success. Event managers, clients and entrepreneurs can benefit from this event advice. 


Getting thru the knowledge blog post: approximately 5 minutes

Watching the video: approximately 5 minutes  

Number 6: A Year in Review for our Chicago Business Marketing Successes in 2017.

Number 6: A Year in Review for our Chicago Business Marketing Successes in 2017.


We have been sharing some of our Chicago Business Marketing Firm and client success in 2017. As the marketing industry grows, so does the variety of services we can provide. We chose to stay on trend with new ways you can grow your business in chicago. And we use great marketing strategies and tools to get you there. Keep reading for another number in our Top 10 Countdown for 2017 Chicago Business Marketing Strategies.

Our Very Own Logo Development: The How and Why of the LOGO Development Process

Our Very Own Logo Development: The How and Why of the LOGO Development Process

New Logo Development for Your Business Marketing Made Easy

When we take on your marketing project, we ensure that your business image and tone is captured in the details. Small business marketing made #MissionPossible.

Great logo design needs to capture the business identity, but design also needs to entail attractiveness + memorable + versatile + simple + color ease + appropriate.

When you want to understand the design process you can visit to learn more.

We will explore the insights behind #LogoAssessment // #LogoElements // #Typography // and #Design //

SEE ... the logo in action on the site

SEE ... How We Work towards your Logo design and #OurProcess

Written by: Joanne Klee

Realtor Marketing Made Easy: A No Cost, Time Only Investment. A How To Guide

Realtor Marketing Made Easy: A No Cost, Time Only Investment. A How To Guide

Chicago area Realtors are looking for marketing strategies to get buyers and sellers at no cost. And YES, we have a New! Marketing Secret for you.

Standard no cost marketing tactics take sweat equity and a significant time investment targeting small areas. Working with an experienced marketer allows you to gain access to reasonable low cost options to grow your client lists, and increase referrals. 

There are a variety of methods to try. And many of these free realtor marketing methods work, and they work well. But the time commitment is what we drown in. Free takes save us our pocket change but can be grueling to manage. 

Want Customers to Call Your Business There's A Button for That.

Want Customers to Call Your Business There's A Button for That.

Of course you want customers to call your business directly! Once you get that call coming in we know you can sell this New Potential Client! So here's how you can get the call AND WHY Facebook is being so nice! 

Get Facebook to Send you Business Phone Calls and Be Part of the Conversation.

Why Branding Should Be Part Of Your Marketing Plan Conversations

Why Branding Should Be Part Of Your Marketing Plan Conversations

With increasing competition throughout the worldwide market, many business owners have started implementing sacred "corporate branding techniques" to assist in their business promotion. Terms such as brand image and brand identity are already in wide use in the corporate world. These terms are used to describe the perceptions of a business among their customers and the public in general. For many years the topic of branding has been of great interest to marketing researchers, and was mostly specific to the corporate world. 

But now we are bringing the Benefits of Branding YOUR BUSINESS! 

Recent Brand Recognition for Joanne Klee Business Marketing Firm 2017

Recent Brand Recognition for Joanne Klee Business Marketing Firm 2017

Joanne Klee Marketing provides answers and insights across platforms to aid clients, prospects, and those hungry for knowledge. Recently we became a sponsors at Merchants Circle and were awarded the ANSWERS EXPERT BADGE. 

Becoming an answers expert means that your business understands your industry, obtain knowledge and stay current with industry information, and you share your insights with others on social media. 

Online Terms and Definitions Its 'Digital Terms for Dummies'

Online Terms and Definitions Its 'Digital Terms for Dummies'


Learning this new digital language doesn't have to be. We get lots of questions on what do the NEW MARKETING TERMS Mean from ?? What is Optimized ?? Analytics ?? and Bounce Rates ?? KEPP READING to enjoy this unique 'TERMS AND DEFINITIONS' for "Web Savvy Customer Education Insights" page. 

Marketing tid-bits makes everyone, from my clients, to you the reader, better at the decision making process. It helps you understand WHAT WE DO for you. Understanding WHERE things come from, including TERMS and their history, gives you more insight into the inner workings of a strategy - digital or traditional. And the almighty WHY did we do it 'that way?'

I believe we can learn something new everyday. Educating ourselves on the world around us makes us a better global citizen. And staying informed helps us make better business decisions. I believe in education. It resonates in the way a business is structured, growing, changing with trends. And this extends to educating our clients. Marketing tid-bits and insights makes everyone better at the decision making process.

Also understanding WHERE things come from, including terms and their history, gives perspective into the inner workings of a strategy. Or the simple way your website functions. And so this blog page was born. Stay in touch with marketing terminology and get a basic, comprehensive, history and explanation. At home we write. A lot. Mom blogs or drafts copy (for the digital world or white paper verse) and our children write books and essays for school. Who knows what will become of them, but I know they will be able to express themselves clearly. 

While you are reading the site, you may come across some terms that need a little s'plaining. Or perhaps you have a question that you want addressed. Feel free to contact Joanne via email at with any inquiries. In the meantime we are tackling some FAQ here, as well as some frequent web savvy terms and their definitions. 'Marketing and Digital Terms for Dummies' ...